Monday, January 14, 2013

Asking What if? and Creating Vision Boards

                Since many of you couldn’t attend the What if? Workshop last week (because you don’t live in the area) I wanted to share some of the things that were discussed.           
            In part one of the What if? event, we discussed two important ideas that ensure the success of manifesting our goals.  They are one; get clear about what you want and two; stay focused on it.
            To get clear about what we want we need to let go of beliefs that no longer serve us and listen to our hearts.  A list of things such as; old beliefs, out dated goals, negative self-talk, unsupportive people in our life and mental thoughts of lack and limitation (boy the list is long, hug?) can sometime prevent us from reaching beyond what we think we can achieve or what we deserve.

Clear away the old:
            Our group did some serious energetic clearing and forgiving to release those things getting in our way of knowing and achieving our goals.  You can do the same through prayer or making a list of things you want to let go of and one by one go down the list and say (or think) “I know willing release (fill in the blank) as it no longer serves me.”  There is no wrong way to release just do what feels best.  Once we can let go of those things that no longer serve us we moved on to getting clear about what it is we want by looking inward and listen to what our heart has to say.

Listen to your heart:
            This is the simply part, so don’t make it hard on yourself. We started by making a list of five things that we have wanted to achieve and used it as a guide.  Then we tried to expand each item on the list by asking “What if?” By asking the question “What if?” it allowed us to dream and think outside our normal beliefs of lack and limitation. Now take it a step further and listen to your heart and ask it “What if?”First you need to create space and time to get quiet and where you will not be disturbed.  Give yourself about 10 to 15 minutes to get quiet and try to clear your mind.  Next focus your mind’s eye on your heart and literally ask your heart what it truly wants.  You can also ask your heart about the items on your list such as do they still serve you or steps to achieve them. Your answers will come in different ways so again just go with it.  Picture, feelings even sounds and smells might come to mind to let you know your true desires.  Write them down and continue to write in a stream after the initial ideas have been expressed.  This flow of writing allows unconscious desires to come up (getting out of our head)!
            Now that you have an idea of what you want take some time to fine tune it.  “Sleep on it” if you will, to refine and get specific about your goals.  The next step is to create your vision board.  My next post will describe this process so you don’t want to miss it. 
            This week our group will gather once again and continue the process of making our dreams a reality through creating our vision boards.  I can’t wait to share with you the wonderful things that we come up with!
            Thanks for stopping by Meaningful Living Now and please feel free to leave a comment or question.

In love and light,


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